
Sussex Countian, September 9, 1971 Photo and caption features Milton High School class of 1941, taken at the 30th reunion, held June 26th, 1971 at the DeBraak Inn, Lewes. While 6 men and 8 women attened the reunion, the class of 1941 had 13 male and 8 female graduates. Front row, left to right: Charlotte (Guyer) Dorman, Houghton, Michigan; Madlyn (Postles) Miswald, Milwaukee, Wisc; Elizabeth Rae Russell, Doylestown, Penn; Mary Catherine (Douglas) Blakely, Rehoboth; Helen (Williams) Carpenter, Ellendale; Duroma (Jones) Sapp, Wilmington; Back row, left to right: Fred Scott, Milton; William Spencer, Milton; Fred Stogden, Bear; Martin Hastings, Wilmington; Gertrude (Snyder) Potter, Norristown, Penn; Grace (Thomas) Messick, Milford; Cecil Carpenter, Ellendale; Dr. Charles Bruninger, Landsdale, Penn. Not pictured: Minnie (Joseph) Doughty; Not in attendance: James Blizzard; Paul Parsons; Roscoe Carey; Kenneth Sweetman. See related material 2006.0057.103-106